10XLC specializes in:


High-Performance Culture Development

Organizational Change Management

Talent Optimization

Customized Executive Workshops

These types of challenges impede the development and growth of your company, agency, or institution which impedes your bottom-line and has a negative impact on customer (clients, constituents, students, etc.) satisfaction .

The wrong strategy, a negative workplace culture, resistance to change, and subpar employee performance are key reasons why companies, non-profits, government, and educational institutions:

·         Do not meet revenue/performance goals

·         Fail to remain relevant / go out of business

·         Have lack luster new service/product launches

·         Have minimal / no innovation

  • Have persistent long-term problems

The wrong strategy, a negative workplace culture, resistance to change, and subpar employee performance have an exponential negative effect on:

·         Customer experience

·         Efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness

·         Creativity

·         Employee engagement

·         Your bottom-line


In simplest terms, by focusing on senior leaders, we help you improve your human performance across the board which in turn, improves your overall business (production, efficiency, efficacy, and bottom-line).

We start by addressing your pain points and pressing issues while putting steps into place to resolve them. We work with you and will tell you the honest truth in a kind way to address the “elephants” in the room. In our consulting we will roll up our sleeves and get in the trenches with you.

We will walk with senior leaders through the “sticky” and “messy” situations associated with leading a company, organization, or institution. People are complex beings and require intentional and thoughtful leadership. By getting into the muck and mire of “people issues” (this includes us as leaders) we get to the root problem(s) and eliminate the “elephants” in the room. The “elephants” that hinder your progress.

There is a reason why we say, “It’s leadership, not liker-ship.”

Did we say that it is leadership, and not liker-ship?

Examples of how we can serve you, because sometimes you just need an extra set of eyes.

We help you make CRITICAL decisions

·        Should you hire your first person? If so what position? Do revenues support? Should you hire the next person?

·         Is your strategy working? Is it relevant?

·         Is your company headed in the right direction? Is an organizational change needed?

·         Are you missing key opportunities?

·         Do you have the right culture?

·         Is your internal or external collaboration lacking? If so what do you do?

·         Is there a lack of collaboration that is impeding productivity? If so what do you do?

·         Support you through a specific project

·         Tailor solutions to increase/improve efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness

·         Evaluate process efficacy / streamline processes

·         Work with you on retainer for ad hoc situations.

·         Facilitate team building

·         Help you deal with a talented senior leader who rubs people the wrong way

·         Mentor/coach executives on how to be more effective

Get in touch for a consultation

"The short cut is never a short cut. It’s always a long cut."